Our Lifestyle
A Spiritual Order. We are faithist. This is someone who has faith in the Creator. We study the wisdom of many religious and mystical traditions. We are nondenominational, in service to that which lives within all things seen and unseen. We believe that everything is alive with the presence of the Creator. We take vows of voluntary simplicity and dedication to the service of all life.
Vegan. We do not eat anything that breathes the breath of life or any food from animals, such as dairy and eggs. We do eat honey.
Faithist. A faithist is someone who has faith in the Creator above all else. We study the wisdom of many religious and mystical traditions. We are non denominational, in service to that which lives within all things seen and unseen. We believe that everything is alive with the presence of the Divine.
Green. We live in an ecological wonderland and do our best to harmonize with nature and support the ecosystem that sustains us. We try to use as little packaged foods, plastic items and landfill materials as possible.
Our Calendar. We live by the moon calendar, by the quarters of the moon, rather than the standard calendar. We find this helps us to be more in harmony with the universal order of life.
Simple Labors. Most of our work is doing the simple labors that sustain us in the wilderness. Chopping wood and carrying water. We garden, we keep up the pathways, the roads and the buildings. We have a simple lifestyle, but we are not primitive. We enjoy beauty, and the ease of running water and hot showers, and electric lights... sometimes.
Communitarian. Members share all goods in common, except for personal belongings. We eat our meals in common and share the labor of food preparation and clean up. We have private dwellings and shared dwellings. We work together in the gardens and on the land. We pray together, we play together, we work together and we have plenty of alone time.
Marriage or Celibate. Marriage for us is a sacred union. We require that all resident couples be legally married.
Here is a list of things we do NOT do at Eloin......
No Drugs: This means recreational, sacramental and medical. Why? Because we do not use mind-altering substances. This includes marijuana, mushrooms and all mind altering drugs. We do not use medical chemical drugs, except in emergencies. Why? Because they are unhealthy and there is usually a natural alternative for healing the body. We are against vaccinations of all kinds for people and animals.
No Tobacco or Alcohol or Coffee: Why? Because these substances are unhealthy for the body and the mind. They are also destructive to the spirit, as are all the recreational drugs and medical drugs for they damage the spiritual body.
No TV: We are living at Eloin to learn how to tune into nature and the natural order of the Universe. TV's are not healthy, they create a low level hypnotic state and they fill the mind and body with all kinds of 'extra' information and negative stories. We watch movies that are uplifting periodically.
No Newspapers or Murder Mystery literature. We encourage everyone to unplug from social programing and literature that is not inspiring.
No Cursing or Abusive Language. We encourage constructive anger management that is not harmful to people or the environment.
No Public Nudity. We consider modesty to be an asset. (Pardon the pun)
No Weapons. Including recreational weapons such as bows and arrows.